15 March 2008

I Believe in Matt Bar...

I want you to go to www.purimrap.com and www.bibleraps.com. I want you to love Matt Bar and what he is doing. I want you to bring him in to perform and teach at your religious school / summer camp / college / university / old age home / party / Israel trip.

I went to his video release party tonight in Jerusalem. It was incredible, and it made me believe in PICZ, the PresenTense Institute for Creative Zionism, and the work they are doing. Matt is one of their fellows, and he's continuing his work through the school year, studying at Pardes and writing AMAZING new bible raps.

As an unabashed fan, I can say his raps are wonderful to listen to. As a dedicated educator, I can say his raps are INCREDIBLE TEACHING TOOLS and wonder why you aren't showing the YouTube video (It's G-rated! Kids and Parents Approve!) tomorrow morning to your Sunday school kids?

This will not be the end of my Matt Bar promotion. I really think he (and Naomi Less, another fresh new Jewish music artist with a good message) is amazing. I have seen his work, in its nascent state, hook kids at our Hebrew school last year. I am now seeing his work, more polished, ready for release in the world of Jewish Education. You need to see it, too.

Click here to see HamanSong. You will be humming this one on the way to your Megillah reading this coming week!

One note -- the Hebrew in the song means "And it was overturned."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the movement moving!