07 January 2008

Birthright Season!

From the second I decided to go to Israel for the school year, I knew that I would be loving December and January, because of BIRTHRIGHT SEASON! Below please find pictures, spanning the last month or so, filled with pictures of people I love and that I rarely, if ever, see, in the states OR in Israel.

Thanks, Bronfman, and, of course, Uncle Bill!

Amanda!!! Amanda is my Great Grandlittle in AEPhi, and we hung out on Ben Yehuda together. I shift into AEPhi mode when the Phi-Pham is around. Yay for Amanda!
(Thanks, Birthright!)

Amanda and Erika!!! Both were on Ben Yehuda, whee! Erika is my Great-Great Grandlittle! LML.
(Thanks, Birthright!)

Robyn!!! Robyn was my Wheelnik, and now she's a Birthright Staff member! I met her on Ben Yehuda the same night as my Phis. This makes me feel old, but it also makes me happy to see my kids growing up!
(Thanks, Birthright!)

Miritski!!! Miritski and I went on Wheels together in 1997. I met her to play in the shuk. Good times!
(Thanks, Birthright!)

Josh and Marlene!!! Josh and I go back, and Marlene is a new Davidson student AND a new friend. At Pituim.
(Thanks, Uncle Bill!)

SKay!!! SKay stayed with me for her free weekend / my birthday. I love SKay!
(Thanks, Uncle Bill!)

Yoni!!! Yoni's in my class, but he's on the Davidson trip this year. He took me to the juice / medicine man in the shuk, and he even gave me a date.
(Thanks, Uncle Bill!)

Joel!!! Joel is a first-year who was in my bible class a year ago, and we had fun on my birthday and at the shuk on Friday afternoon. He's the happiest man ever. Also, one of the nicest people I have ever met. Yay for Joel!
(Thanks, Uncle Bill!)

SKay AGAIN!!! I had to get another SKay fix before she left for New York today. So on Sunday night we had dinner and hung out in the hotel lobby. Lovely times!
(Thanks, Uncle Bill!)

Tannen!!! My co-counselor from Nivo '06, Tannen and I got along royally, at camp without beer, and in Jerusalem with the local brew.
(Thanks, Birthright!)

So ends the first edition of Birthright Season.

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