25 May 2008

Yaaaachad Lev l'lev...

I was sitting on the couch, uploading some of my new Israeli / Hebrew music CDs, and watching TV, when suddenly some music starts playing noisily over Gilmore Girls (subtitles!). I got annoyed at my iTunes, again, for starting to play the songs while they’re uploading.

Two seconds passed, and the music started again. This time, however, it was not emanating from my lap. I turned down the volume on the TV, and Rachel and I confirmed that it was our landlord’s son playing the flute / recorder / some woodwind. And he was playing “Yachad,” a song that is in every USY / Camp / Israel experience mix / video yearbook / promotional video EVER.

I never heard my neighbors practicing their instruments -- in Coral Springs, in Gainesville, or in NYC. And when I did, they certainly weren’t playing Yachad.


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